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Monday, November 05, 2007

"A" sky

Listen to little birdie's station

Well, this is not pure nature but I liked it. Seen over Stockholm.
Hát, ez nem tiszta természet, de tetszik. Stockholm fölött láttam.

"A" sky

In the video Lonely Is The Bird

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Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Listen to little birdie's station

These bushes under my window are just disappearing right at this moment: they are cutting them off... :-(((
Ezek a bokrok az ablakom alatt éppen ebben a pillanatban tűnnek el: kivágják őket... :-(((

Autumn colors

Autumn colors

Monday, September 03, 2007

Bronze trees

Listen to little birdie's station

Well, it's autumn again...
Újra ősz van...

Today's view from our window, the last seconds before the sun went to sleep
Mai látvány az ablakunkból, pár másodperccel azelőtt, hogy a Nap nyugovóra tért

Tree in sunset

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Trees in sunset 2.

Trees in sunset 1.

Trees and church in sunset

Same view as on this clear winter morning.
Ugyanaz a kilátás, mint ezen a tiszta téli reggelen.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Sunrays for Claude

Listen to little birdie's station

In my Stockholm blog Claude asked for some sunrays, so I found a bunch for her :-)
A Stockholm blogomban Clade kért egy kis napsugarat, úgyhogy kerestem neki egy csokornyit :-)

It was not very easy, because here we had ugly grey sky for about a week now, in the middle of the summer...
Nem volt túl könnyű, mert az utóbbi kb. egy hétben ronda szürke volt az ég...

Sun rays

Monday, June 25, 2007

Lupins and other wild flowers

Listen to little birdie's station

Or often called Lupines (Latin: Lupinus perennis, Hungarian: csillagfürt, which means "star tress")

Lupin field in Stockholm, by the highway. I know, these flowers aare very common in certain places, like here in Sweden, but in my country Hungary, I have only seen them in gardens, so now I got excited about it...

Lupins and other wild flowers. Photos: Andrea Gerak

Lupins and other wild flowers. Photos: Andrea Gerak

So I picked one for myself:

Lupins and other wild flowers. Photos: Andrea Gerak

...and put them in my window, along with some other wild flowers:

Lupins and other wild flowers. Photos: Andrea Gerak!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Summer impressions

Listen to little birdie's station

It's been a long weekend and I am very tired, so this is just a little appetizer of the places I saw these days. And in the next posts I will tell a bit more about it.

Nighty night people, sweet dreams!

Summer impressions. Photos: Andrea Gerak

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Summer impressions. Photos: Andrea Gerak

Summer impressions. Photos: Andrea Gerak

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Listen to little birdie's station

This time of the year (in Southern parts of Sweden it's end of May, beginning of June) is Lilac time (Latin: syringa, Hungarian: orgona, Swedish: syren)

In the past weeks, many places of Stockholm were smelling from it's sweet odor. Imagine you are driving in a city and for one or two kilometers, ou see a line of these lilac bushes, on both sides of the road...

These ones I photographed in the middle of the city, amongst big houses.

Lilac. Photos: Andrea Gerak

Lilac. Photos: Andrea Gerak

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Early morning in Sweden

Listen to little birdie's station

On our trip to Northern Sweden, here we had a quick breakfast.

It was about 2-2.5 hours drive from Stockholm, but I didn't follow the map and now I can't even find this place on the net...

Early in the morning in Sweden. Photos: Andrea Gerak

Early in the morning in Sweden. Photos: Andrea Gerak

Early in the morning in Sweden. Photos: Andrea Gerak

Monday, May 28, 2007

Flowers of a bush

Listen to little birdie's station

The nature is booming and blooming here in Sweden so much that I can hardly keep up with all the wonderful flowers and plants.

Here is a bush with white, sweet smelling flowers - but I don't know its name...

It's about one week difference between the first and the last picture.

White flowers of a bush. Photo: Andrea Gerak

White flowers of a bush. Photo: Andrea Gerak

White flowers of a bush. Photo: Andrea Gerak

White flowers of a bush. Photo: Andrea Gerak

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Sunday, May 27, 2007

Thursday, April 19, 2007


Listen to little birdie's station

A stream in the Ekolsund Arboretum where I saw these flowers and more.

It was in March, there shouldn't be more snow there now :-)

Stream between stones

Thursday, April 05, 2007


Listen to little birdie's station

Hepatica nobilis, blåsippa (in Swedish), májvirág (in Hungarian)


Happy Easter!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Flower on the Sun

Listen to little birdie's station

One more flower from this garden in Stockholm

I liked the mood of this old corner...

Flower in the garden

Friday, March 30, 2007

Survivers in the city

Listen to little birdie's station

A snow drop and a crocus on the rocks, in the middle of Stockholm

Two little flowers

Two little flowers


Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Listen to little birdie's station

I am not very good at naming flowers...

Anyway, I saw these ones in the same garden where the roses in the previous post:


Monday, March 26, 2007

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